Looking For a Stake
RJ227, Apr 06 2010
Hey there fellow LPers,
Due to unforeseen financial obligations, I have been forced to seek a stake. My computer broke down, my car likewise. Both in the last week. I have been playing ST 6M SNG's on FTP for a while, and have been doing pretty well. I am very confident I can beat these at a good clip.
I'd like to be staked for a month or two and am open to offers regarding percentages and such. Please PM me if you're interested. Thank you.
Recent Results:

New Computer
RJ227, Apr 04 2010
OK, so my desktop shit the bed after a grand total of 10 months. It just randomly shuts off. I love it when it happens in the middle of SNG sessions imo.
Anyways, it happened during a session yesterday and I tilt bought a laptop. I got a laptop because I'm at my girl's place a lot and it's easier to move than a desktop obv.
Asus G71GX
Thoughts on it? I got a good price on it (~750) I think. I'm gonna hook it up to either a 24" or 30" monitor.
Computer Randomly Shutting Off
RJ227, Mar 29 2010
Anyone ever had this problem? I bought my computer about 6 months ago, it's a Gateway. Recently, it's been shutting off at random times. Anyone ever heard of similar problems/have a possible solution? Thanks
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